Friday 26 March 2010

The Arts and the Election

Following on from my thoughts about the mutual benefit of art and science working together as a way of maintaining funding for the Arts, I listened to the debate between Ben Bradshaw, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and Jeremy Hunt MP, his Conservative shadow, broadcast live on the RSA* site on Tuesday.
It was encouraging to hear both politicians agreeing that Art, and Culture in general are well worth Government support. Apparently, for every pound the government invests in the Arts there is five-fold return.
They both agreed that there isn’t much point in reducing Arts spending to help save money, as the amount is miniscule in relation to overall government spending. Not only does it give such a healthy financial return, it also helps to maintain the Arts as a vibrant symbol of the Culture of the Nation.
It should be interesting to see whether all these positive words are adhered to after the election.
I am conscious that I am discussing the situation in the UK (excluding Scotland), so it would be very interesting to hear how Arts funding and the relationship between Art and Science operates in other parts of the world.

* Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce The broadcast is available online here.

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