Tuesday 7 April 2009

05.05.09 - What's new?

Well, it's been some time since I recorded my news and thoughts. In some ways a lot has happened since I finished at the RCA, and in some ways not enough.
My work has been shown by Adrian Sassoon at various Art and Design Fairs in the UK, USA and Belgium. They were shown recently at SOFA in New York and will be at COLLECT in London in 2 weeks time. I'll have some new work on show.
It's also just about to go on display in 'Object Factory' at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York
I have divided my time between designing new work, trying to complete an AHRC Knowledge Catalyst application to undertake another 12 months applied research at the RCA and collaborating with Axiatec and the University of Washington on material tests.

Here is an image of my test cube designed, printed on the ZCorp 450 in France. It has been treated to make it heat resistant, then I have dipped it in vitreous slip, fired it to 1000C, then glazed and fired it to 1085C with one of our lovely lead glazes.

This test piece is based on my 'Event Horizon' torus piece. Again, it was printed on a ZCorp machine, but in clay, not in the usual 131 powder. It was then biscuit fired to 1000C and treated in the same way as the test cube above.
This morning I sent 2 of the torus test pieces to the Esther Klein Gallery at the Science Center in Philadelphia, USA for an exhibition called 'The FAB Show'. The exhibition will explore Creative and DIY methods of accessing and utilising 3D printing technology. We are working with Evan Malone of Fab@Home on the exhibition, along with folks from MakerBot, RepRap, and Candyfab.

Meanwhile, if anyone out there is interested in my work and research please don't hesitate to get in touch. I am looking for a position, either temporary, permanent, part-time or full time where I can contribute my experience, enthusiasm and knowledge.

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